1-Year Ramp-Up to Readiness Website Subscription

1-Year Ramp-Up to Readiness Website Subscription

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$14.74  / student

Ramp-Up to Readiness™ is a school-wide college and career readiness advisory program designed to help all students master the knowledge, skills, and habits for success in technical, community, and four- year colleges and universities. The comprehensive curriculum addresses five distinct pillars of college readiness:

  • Academic
  • Admissions
  • Career
  • Financial
  • Social and Emotional
Activities include such topics as:
  • Why Middle School Matters
  • Jobs of the Future
  • Help with Stress
  • Benefits of a Career and Technical Education
  • College Costs and How to Pay

Used by over 110,000 students in numerous states across the country, Ramp-Up to Readiness™ spans grades 6-12 and provides schools with the tools they need to help all students succeed through and beyond middle and high school. The easy-to-use curriculum is organized into clear activities that help students articulate their plans for life after high school, monitor their progress toward achieving their goals, and update their plans and progress along the way. Independent studies of Ramp-Up have found that:
  • 100% of respondents (all principals) said Ramp-Up helped establish a college-going school culture
  • School staff reported that Ramp-Up’s school-wide approach is highly beneficial and the curriculum is well-designed
  • As early as in the first year of implementation, students perceived increased support for exploring career and postsecondary options and finances

Ramp-Up subscriptions are on a per school basis. To purchase Ramp-Up for more than one school, select the number of students in your first school and click 'Add to Cart'. Then, return to this page and repeat the process for each additional school.

Need help? Contact Ramp-Up to Readiness

56 East River Road
250 Education Sciences
Minneapolis, MN, 55455